Students at BHS most motivated to succeed in order to make their friends and family proud

A recent survey asked 56 students at BHS what gave them the most motivation to succeed, in life and in school. The survey sample group included multiple students from each grade, and from different backgrounds. The group was asked to rank eight sources of motivation in order of how much they influenced the student’s success.
The choices were personal pride, making their family/friends proud, financial success, fear of failure, proving wrong those who doubted them, fear of missing out, religious motivation, and their ability to help the world. The results were spread out fairly evenly across these categories, however there are still conclusions which can be made from the statistics.
Of motivational sources which students ranked as their number one concern, making their family and friends proud of them was the category with the most votes. This suggests that many students at BHS want to succeed in order to make their loved ones proud of them. Friends and family, which got 11 votes, was closely followed by fear of failure, which 9 people voted as their main motivation.
The category which motivated the students least out of any choice was religious motivation, with 31 votes placing it in last place for the rankings. This was not closely followed by any other category, as the second least motivational category was helping the world, with 7 votes.
Fear of failure received zero last place votes. This fact, combined with its second place spot as the most motivational source, could lead to the conclusion that many students are at least at some level influenced to succeed by their fear of failing at whatever they are doing, whether it be in school, at work, or in their social life.
Students at BHS derive motivation from many different sources, which is another aspect which makes the school diverse. While all students surveyed were motivated by different things, they each had a unique motivation that will hopefully lead them to succeeding in whichever direction they lead their life.