Seniors win eighth annual PowderPuff

A game people say is for boys has girls showing up and proving everyone wrong.
This year was the eighth year of Baldwin High School’s annual PowderPuff Football game. It had record-breaking numbers of girls who participated according to sponsor Danielle Balsman. This year, 58 girls defended each of their class titles. PowderPuff is sponsored by the Student Council. Each grade plays the other grades, with a total of four games.
“I thought it was a really good year this year,” Balsman said.
The winning team earns class cup points. This year the seniors took the crown in first, earning points keeping them ahead in the class cup. In second place were the juniors, in third were the sophomores and in last were the freshmen.
“We had a great time, granted winning always makes it more exciting. I guess we can give some of the credit to our coaches as well,” senior Maddie Ogle said.
“Our first game was against most of our little sisters which was really competitive but we had a good time,” Ogle said. “The championship game was more intense, both teams wanted the win but seniors came out on top. It was an awesome way to finish our last year of PowderPuff.”
The juniors thought PowderPuff was very successful this year.
“Our junior class has made it to the championship game for three years in a row, and almost won our freshmen year,” Burnett said. “We came out strong and ready to play but sadly lost to the seniors in the championship game, but we know we’re going to win next year.”