Football team builds strong bond
4 weeks into the season and 5 more to go, the Baldwin football team is now 0-2, and are more than ready than ever to get their first win this friday against Louisburg.
Senior Trysten Heck said “The best part of being a part of the Baldwin football team is that you get to bond with your friends and the other players and get to know each other more.”
“Football helps me prepare for life outside of high school such as teaching me discipline and how to work hard.” Heck said.
The football team is working hard and constantly trying to improve on all aspects of the game. They are outside practicing in the heat of the day from 3:45 to 6:30, that’s about 2 hours of practicing to get better.
“I think the hardest part of practice is either team offense or team defense, it’s not that it’s physically hard its that its mentally straining trying to remember where to hold your blocks and where the balls going without messing up.” senior Josh Potter said.
The game of football is tough, not just physically but mentally as stated by Josh Potter. You have to remember 20+ plays and how to run them, and not mess it up.
You have to be strong mentally and physically to play football. You get beat up and bruised daily at practice.
The bond between players is what keeps the boys coming back out to play, they find it fun to play with the same guys year after year and improve their skills at the game.