New head coaches take over for Bulldog teams
As school gets started, so does the school sports teams and their new coaches.
This year BHS warmly welcome four new head coaches. Cheer, volleyball, tennis and baseball all have a new new addition
“I started cheerleading when I was in first grade, at a little cheer clinic. I then cheered in junior high, becoming a captain my 8th grade year,” new cheer coach Jenny Thomas said. ”We were the BJHS Wolves back then. Then in high school I chose to be on the BHS pom squad. “
She said that she hoped that the team could create life long relationships.
“I hope my team creates lifelong relationships that last throughout their days, and when they look back on their high school experience they remember cheer as being as fun and character building that I did,” she said.
The squad has appreciated the new coach and her hard work.
“She’s new so she doesn’t have any previous experience, so we have an assistant coach to help,” Jazmine-Rose Ruppert,“What makes a good coach is determination. They are determined to get work done and do better.”
Kathryn Kerner took over this year as the new head volleyball coach.
“Volleyball was a major influence in my life,” new head volleyball coach,Kerner said. “I played year round and it really helped me develop good study habits and determination. I lived to play and enjoyed the bond with my teammates. Volleyball kept me too busy to get involved with the bad things in life.”
She wants her team to get a lot out of their time playing volleyball.
“I mainly want my girls to have a positive and encouraging outlook on life,” Kerner said.”Taking what I teach them into the real world and apply it. Playing a sport is like a job, you have to be committed and dedicated to the success of the job. If not, you are fired or laid off. My job is to coach the in all areas of their life. I hope that they leave here knowing that they are loved and well equipped for the long road of life ahead.”
The new baseball coach is Jay King, a BHS alumnus.
“I hope I can help the young men become better baseball players, but more importantly help them prepare for life after baseball,” King said. ”I am honored to be the head coach of this program and help these kids any way that I can.”