First girls tennis season for Fasenmyer coming to end

The Baldwin Bulldogs girls tennis season has been going strong, but the first season for new coach Dawn Fasenmyer is coming to an end.

The JV tennis last tournament was Oct. 1 and there is still Regionals and State to come from varsity.

“The season’s going well, we have a lot of good freshman,” Fasenmyer said. “It’s a lot of fun watching everyone learn and have fun.”

Fasenmyer is the new coach for girls tennis. She has coached many other sports before, but this is her first year coaching tennis.

“I used to play at country clubs when I was younger, however I didn’t play in high school,” Fasenmyer said.

There are many new faces on the team.

“This is my first year ever playing tennis,” junior Isabel Blanco said. “I enjoy it very much, my teammates make it a lot of fun”.

The varsity player play at regionals this weekend, Oct. 6, at Harmon Park in Shawnee.