Baldwin City ready for 17th annual Bash

The annual Bash has become a special tradition to Baldwin before the first home game.

Every year, Baldwin comes together to make this special tradition happen. This year will be the 17th annual Bash. Baldwin will be competing against Paola. A huge part of the tradition is the food, the band marches and the football players following. Baldwin never fails to make sure the bash has lots of hype and excitement.

For current BHS assistant coach Jesse Austin, the Bash has always had special meaning as he remembers playing in it as a Bulldog player.

“It means a lot, I’ll never forget the Bash walk-up,” Austin said. “We won 42-0 my senior year. It was a very special moment that I’ll never forget.”

This year’s Bash will be on Friday, Sept. 8, at Liston Stadium. It includes food, music, football and a good time. Food comes with your ticket.

“I’m really excited for the Bash this year and think it’ll be a good game. I’m sad it will be my last bash, but I’ll make the most of it,” senior defensive end and tight end Garrett Borth said.

Activities Director Gary Stevanus feels the Bash brings the community together.

“It’s a great kickoff for the football season and it’s a great community event,” Stevanus said.

It will be the first Bash for new football coach Doug Kerr.

“I’m excited, anytime you can do something to bring a crowd in it always helps the home team,” Kerr said.