Cell phone addiction has been a very big deal, especially with teens with about 80% saying they have an obsessive urge to get onto it after just a short time without or when bored.
“The use of my cell phone interferes with my sleep,” a freshman male said.
60% of students say that their smartphone interferes with their sleep and then that makes them more tired and not as prepared for school. 90% of students report having some amount of smartphone addiction and it is growing every year.
“I do not think that the use of my smartphone affects my reputation,” a freshman girl said.
About 90% of students do not feel that using a smartphone a certain amount even if they say they are addicted in certain ways to it. 90% of people also say that their cellular device does not affect their learning time in school even though so many students say it affects their sleep and report being addicted to it.
Most people also said that their phone did not affect their personal relationships. Around 70% of students said that they were addicted to their smartphones in some way which has been growing for the past several years.