HUMANS OF BHS: Exchange student Giovana Maravieski
“[I found out I was being sent home after] some of my friends that are exchange students were already getting emails to go back home, so I asked my [Foriegn Exchange Student Program] in Brazil and they told me that I had to go back home. On the way home I will need to stay away from people and wash my hands constantly. Once I get home, I’ll need to be quarantined in my house for 15 days. Businesses and schools are closed in my city, you can only leave proving what you are doing outside and when you come back you have to prove that you left from there. People are quarantined until the second order. I didn’t like [how the foreign exchange program handled sending me home], it was not clear and confusing and they did not know how to act most of the time. I feel upset I had to leave this way and this fast, but also relieved to see my mom and be with her in this difficult time.”

If you only had one week to live how would you spend it? I would spend it in New York City, going to comedy and broadway shows