HUMANS OF BHS: Hudson Allen

“I’ve been playing bass for about 7 or 8 months. I started out in guitar for about 7 months and a couple of my friends told me I should get a bass, and it looked really fun. I really like the low sound and the size of the instrument. I also like how bass is the foundation of some music, how the bass really gives it that rhythm to help the other instruments and makes the song what it is. (I joined jazz band because) James Foster told me that they needed a bassist for jazz band. I knew that jazz band was going to be very hard for me personally because I basically didn’t know anything about the bass clef and I didn’t know how to read music. I decided to join because I knew it was going to be challenging and I knew this would help me a lot at getting better at the bass.”

If you only had one week to live how would you spend it? I would spend it in New York City, going to comedy and broadway shows