STAFF MEMBER of the MONTH: Custodians appreciated for hard work

The custodians at BHS are Staff Members of the Month, with Carl Burgoon as their representative. The Student Advisory Committee chose them because they appreciate their hard work. The committee believes the custodians work together to make BHS a better and cleaner place.
Senior Kassadie Burton agreed with their achievement.
“I think they deserve it because they do a lot for our school, and so much goes unnoticed. They are always smiling, ready to help, and I love that,” she said.
Staff member Stacy McDaniels appreciates their work.
“I think the custodians are deserving of the Staff Members of the Month because they keep this building running,” she said. “They just do everything, from preparing the classrooms every day and keeping the supplies replenished. They do it without hesitation and without grumbling.”
Burgoon was interviewed about the award.
Do you enjoy working at BHS?
I like being around people.
How long have you worked here?
Started in October of 2010.
How did you find this job, why?
Started out as temporary, I was laid off and saw the ad in the newspaper. Started off in the junior high.
What do you do when you’re not working?
Help the kids with homework.