The leads of ‘Guys and Dolls’ experience

This year ‘Guys and Dolls’ was chosen to be the fall musical. Many students and staff put in a lot of their time and effort into making it great. Many hours were put into preparing for the play. BHS sophomore Toby Vajnar has a lead in the musical.
Q: What’s it like being a main role?
- A: It’s a lot different from last year, because last year I didn’t have a huge part and this year I do.
Q: What’s your favorite part about the play?
- A: Definitely all the great songs.
Q: Why did you do the play this year?
- A: Because it was a lot of fun last year, and it’s a good experience.
Q: Why do you suggest people go watch it?
- A: Because there’s a lot of talent and it’s really entertaining.
Q: What’s been the hardest part about preparing for the play?
- A: Definitely the choreograpghy because it’s hard rembering what you have to do.