Homework load too much
School is one of the main things young teens focus on in their life, but when these teens get themselves in a hole with piles of school work, it is almost impossible to get out of.
Homework is a big part of the school environment and the students’ grades, but when a lot of this piles up, it can bring stress, or even depression to a student.
According to DoSomething.org, every year over 1.2 million students drop out of school in the United States alone. That’s a student every 26 seconds – or 7,000 a day.
The dropout rate has risen 3% from 1990 to 2010 and the rate keeps rising. With more homework, comes more stress and more falling behind, According to DoSomething.org
I believe there is a little challenge involved in school, and without these challenges students would have trouble learning but when students are assigned piles of homework, it is hard to even focus on what matters, which is the actual subject.
Teens need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep each night, but only 15 percent are even getting close to that amount. During the school week, most teens only get about six hours of sleep a night, and some of that sleep deficit may be attributed to homework.
When teachers assign work, they mean for the work to be helpful to the mind but it’s more of studying the assignment in school then taking 2 to 3 hours out of your day at home to do the work, maybe even more.
The school work is always different. Some classes you may get piles of work but in others, you may get little to none. So when I get piles of work a day, I tend to get lazy or procrastinate. This is the same for other students.