Separation of church and state
An avidly debated topic in today’s society is whether or not the phrase “under god” should be in America’s pledge of allegiance. Many people say that the idea of separation of church and state is being disregarded and it is disrespectful to many other religions.
The legalization of abortion continues to be debated, even though short-term abortions are completely safe, and the main reason is because it disagrees with many peoples’ religion. Many people argue that the argument against abortion should be based on medical fact and opinions should not be used to decide the fate of legal abortions.
There is also the issue of christianity being the religion that our government favors. If our government was neutral to religion, many more people would be included and would feel ostracized by their own government.
On January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump ordered a ban on foreign nationals from multiple Muslim countries. This blatant racism and xenophobia directly targets people of the Islamic faith. This ban was spurred on by deadly attacks perpetrated by people of this faith, yet many more, far deadlier, attacks have been perpetrated by white nationals. Most of these domestic terrorists are members of the Christian faith, yet no ban has been made on Christians.
I think that small mentions of being partial to a religion are not that big of a deal, but when debating the legalization of a controversial issue, religion should be left out of the debate entirely.