Homework weighing down students
Do teachers assign too much homework?
According to child expert Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, parents reported first-graders were spending 28 minutes on homework each night versus the recommended 10 minutes. For second-graders, the homework time was nearly 29 minutes, as opposed to the 20 minutes recommended.
Many high schoolers suffer with having a job, sport or are in different activities and trying to get all their homework done in one night.
Many parents who have kids who are 8 and under have a hard time trying to make their young child stay still for more than 15 minutes and when they have homework every day it gets extremely hard for the parents to keep the child still. Many high schoolers are under pressure to succeed, to win, to be the best and to get into the top colleges.
Today’s youth are under as much stress as their parents.
During the school year, teens say they experience stress levels higher than adults.
Homework should not be busy work, it should be educational.
According to the National PTA and the National Education Association, students should only be doing about 10 minutes of homework per night per grade level.On an average night teens spend to take three hours on homework.
Having a lot of homework every day makes it difficult for teens to have downtime. Some youth go home completely lost as they have not grasped concepts covered in class and they may become frustrated and overwhelmed.