Friends don’t let friends bully

Stand up to stop bullying
Bullying is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in today’s world. According to Teen Safe 34% of people have been cyber bullied, while 87% of people have witnessed someone being cyberbullied.
People need to realize that just because you are bullying people through a screen that it is still bullying and that it needs to end.
According to Stopbullying, 2 in 7 students have been bullied at school. No matter who the person is you never have the right to bully someone. You never know what some people are going through and to think that your making fun of them for that sickens me or to think that by hurting someone else takes the hurt away from you.
Just because some people may act differently or smell or wear the same clothes to school everyday does not make it an excuse to bully them. Most the time people have other things going on in there family and at their houses. So let us try to make their experiences the best at school because you never know what happens after they leave the school doors for the day.
Another big thing is gossip and rumors. According to Wristbands 18% of teens have heard people gossiping about them or a rumor about them. People, if it doesn’t affect you or the people around you just don’t say anything.
We also all need to stand up anytime we see someone being bullied. We need to stop thinking it’s cool to bully people or it’s funny cause it’s really not at all. We need to start loving everyone, get out of just your friend group. Be friends with everyone, wave or smile at someone and you make their day.
So be nice to everyone and treat others the way you want to be treated!