If you can’t win, cheat. If you can’t cheat, quit. If you can’t quit, try cheating again.
If you would kindly take a moment to gaze several centimeters above this text, you will see some of the worst advice that someone could ever give you. Writen above this piece is a line of content that not only suggests that the proper way to obtain what you desire in life is to cheat your way to it if need be, but also that you should simply quit your task if you are unable to use the aforementioned strategy of cheating. Personally, I would recommend that no man, woman, or child should ever do such a dishonest thing to obtain what they crave.
So why did I say it? Why would I present such ill advice? Do I enjoy granting others misleading advice? Am I a raging sociopath that can’t control his mental urges to lead my readers down a life path of sadness and failure? Well I would say that most of those questions are up in the air at this point. However, I can say that whatever the case is, this peculiar title is probably the reason why you are reading this article right now. The power of the title of a piece of work has grown in power and prominence over the years. What used to be a way of categorizing a work of art has now become a fast and easy way to sell papers and get readers to view passages.
So why does this matter? Why should we be worried about the strength of a title? Personally, I do believe that we should be somewhat concerned with this notion. After all, would you even be reading this passage right now if it wasn’t for its title? As viewers, we must remember that our views and purchases are the lifeblood of companies and sources of information that survive and thrive off of us and many of the employees of these organizations are willing to do whatever it takes to get your attention. After all, I should know. I’ve been a part of several of them.
If we, as the consumer, can begin to value and obtain sources of media that have value in these passages and meaning, instead of in their title, then we could create a new form of news and art that focuses on quality over eye-catching material.