Life after high school-OPINION

Life after high school-OPINION

The great beyond, the dark unknown, life after high school. The events after graduation where students are thrown out into the world to fend for themselves. Where we, as young adult, are suddenly the sole person controlling our life. Some go to college, others go straight to work, each individual person doing what they feel is best and starting the rest of their life.


College is a way to further your education and possibly give you a chance at a better job. However, college takes money and unless you have a golden goose laying eggs in your backyard, most of us have difficulties coming up with the money to follow our dreams of becoming a doctor or a lawyer or an artist or whatever career we want to follow. Because of money, students then have to take out loans to be able to archive their destiny. Loans that several years down the line, long after they have graduated and gained a career, could still be a problem.


Going straight to work is another option after high school graduation. You can start a job and in a few years work your way up through the ranks. College is not for everyone and if you can get a good job then there is no reason to waste your time and money on something that you might never need. You can start earning money right away and putting your name out into the world of whatever career you pursue. However, you might not get the job because they decided to hire the person with a college degree.

Living with your parents

Maybe the real world is not for you, maybe you want to live in your parent’s basement for the rest of your life with no real social life. After all, you would never have to leave your mother’s homemade food. You could stay with you parents forever and live in the room you have had since you were an infant, who would not want to do that?

There are many more choices and options for after high school everyone had their own path they follow and it help to make them into who they are and who they are supposed to be. High school is the time to start thinking about that path. Start looking at colleges or thinking about what it is that you enjoy doing and how you can fit that into a career choice. High school is the planning stage where you can mess up and still be ok. High school is where you find out who you are and what your going to do with your life.