The modern world has a problem of global proportions. Across the Earth, nations are racing to find the next big “breakthrough” in medical sciences. In some cases, this can be a great thing. Advances in medicine will hopefully bring us one day to a life free of worry from cancers and other major diseases. However, most of the drugs and medicine of today serve purposes that can be harmful to an individual’s health.
Have you ever taken a pill to release headache pain or soreness? If the answer is yes, then you have taken a drug that has numbed your senses while leaving the problem alone. John Thei’s book, Touch for Health, talks about how Aspersions and other pain relievers do not work in your body to fix whatever is hurt or in need of service, but rather cover up the pain and leave the body the way it is. In some cases, this can be harmless, but why would you simply ignore a problem when it could be fixed? For centuries, civilizations have been using techniques such as acupressure and kinesiology to help mend and fix injuries and pains. These easy to learn methods are an affordable way to help each other feel and genuinely be better. Several decades ago, this knowledge made its way into the United States, where thousands Picked it up and began using it to their advantage.
You might be asking yourself,” why doesn’t everyone use these techniques?” And the answer is that as more and more drugs and medicine come out, people began to feel more and more that they need to use and rely on these drugs to get through the day, and that there is not any other way to deal with these issues. This general thought has been growing in strength and numbers and if something is not done to stop it, it could get out of hand. As a society, we need to teach our children and fellow humans how to help and heal each other without the need for drugs or unneeded medicine. We need to reestablish the way we look at medical sciences, and our lives.