Twins are very special and there is nothing that can break them apart, there are multiple pairs of twins at BHS that are all unique but they don’t always get along.
“The Worst part of having a twin is that we have to do everything together.” freshman Joe Wadel said.
There are 3 main different types of twins including identical, fraternal, and mirror twins.
“ We are fraternal twins but we arent identical.” sophomore Ty Daly said.
Twins are not born at the same time as each other and one is always older than the other.
“Unfortunately Joe is older than me by a whole 30 seconds.” freshman Jesse Wadel said.
Twins look very similar so if you have no proper experience with them you could get them mixed up very easily.
“We get mistaken for each other a lot which is weird because we don’t even look alike.” Joe Wadel said.
Twins are not just similar on the outside but can also share the same kind of mind and personality as each other.
“We don’t really share the same hobbies and interests as each other but we do 4H together.” sophomore Malena Daly said.