For over 40 years, Baldwin City Recreation Commission has worked to strengthen the Baldwin City community through programs, athletics, and special events. We know that connection is key to a strong community, and as such, we strive to provide high-quality programming and activities to draw our community together. We intentionally offer a wide variety of activities to entertain, educate, and exercise the minds and bodies of all ages. Whether it’s cheering on kids from the sidelines, watching fireworks light up the sky at our annual Independence Day celebration, or playing cards on a weekday afternoon at the Community Center, we know we have a way to get you connected deeper into our community.
Our events wouldn’t be possible without community investment and sponsorship support. We are deeply thankful for your support on all levels, and we are honored to serve our Baldwin City community.
And that is what Baldwin Reck is all about the Baldwin community. At the Baldwin community center they have an inside basketball court and a gaming room with a ps5 with many fun and entertaining games.
The Community center is a great place to spend your afternoon with friends,Stated Joe Wadel, to hoop around and play 2k24 on the Playstation 5.