Scholars Bowl team placing high in competitions

There are many activities in Baldwin like the numerous sports teams, the debate team, clubs, and many more. This club is a team effort which includes a lot of smart participants. 

Scholars bowl which is a team that competes in trivia competitions is a well known activity in Baldwin. 

BHS has its very own team sponsored by physics teacher Jim Ashcraft. The team consists of 15 students and has two main captains senior Wyatt Bathke, and senior Ruth Stienshour.

“I really like being able to use what I learn at school in a competitive way. It makes learning more important for me,” Bathke said.

Since Scholars Bowl has been part of Bathke’s life his whole Baldwin career I asked him what his favorite part of Scholars Bowl was. 

“Competing with my friends and making new ones, I’ve had a great time over the last 4 years of just making new friends at scholar’s bowl,” Bathke said.

Scholars bowl is a trivia competition. The questions asked at these competitions pertain to the subjects that we learn in school. There isn’t really a strategy to participate in this. 

“It’s kinda as if you are playing jeopardy except there is 2 teams of 5 instead of 3 individual people,” Ashcraft said.

Baldwin has had this activity around for at least 16 years. The 2021-2022 has been a season for many accomplishment for this group.

“We won our league meet, we won the ottawa invitational, and in pretty much every varsity meet we have placed in the top 6,” Ashcraft said.

This season, we took first place at two meets and were undefeated at both, which was definitely the highlight of my four years of playing,” Senior Nina Mozier said. 

Practice within scholars bowl consist of generally just playing trivia. Typically the participants will split up into two teams and just play against each other. 

“Its a very relaxed activity our practices are really layed back, a lot of joking happens it is not nearly as much stress as it is with most athletics,” Ashcraft said.