Pioneer yearbook editors plan for the year

Yearbooks have been a long tradition of BHS

The Pioneer yearbook staff of BHS has been working very hard this year to make the school’s yearbook as perfect as possible. There are currently 27 students working on the yearbook.

“My favorite thing about being a part of yearbook is seeing what work you have done in the yearbook when it’s finished,” sophomore Jordan Jackson said.

There are many jobs to do when a student is a part of yearbook. 

“We start off by checking off what roles we want to be a part of on a piece of paper,” sophomore Macy Green said.

 The Pioneer staff has a lot to do with little time before the year ends.

“We get together to work on yearbook every school day,” Jackson said.

Since the yearbook staff has so much to do in little time, sometimes they can mess up.

“I usually think that the yearbooks are well made, but sometimes there can be a few errors or mistakes on a page,” Green said.

While we are all in our classes, the Pioneer yearbook editors and planning of BHS are taking photos of activities around the school, and choosing what photos to put in the yearbook.

“I’m currently choosing what photos to put on the tennis section of the yearbook,” Jackson said.

Some of the Pioneer staff come in early every morning to work on the yearbook.

“Our two primary Editors are Liz Schrock and Trinity Moody,” adviser Kit Harris said. “They came in before school even started to get ideas ready and the online set started with layouts. They are both excellent leaders and are great to work with.”

The Pioneer yearbook editors and planning of BHS have been working very hard and continue to.

“We have a great staff this year, it is one of our biggest ever,” Harris said. “I always enjoy the year way more when we have an enjoyable group of kids to be around and work with, and that is what we have this year. I like them all and I am proud of the set-up work they have done so far. I think it will be a great year with the staff.”