Transitioning from Junior high to High school has been hard, especially in sports. See how these freshmen athletes feel.
Going from junior high to high school sports can be tough and stressful. Participants have more homework to focus on, the work can be harder and the sports have more conditioning and teamwork.
“High school sports are more competitive,” freshman Justus Rowlett said. “My favorite part about being playing the sport is playing basketball with all my friends and getting better.”
Many high school athletes have the goal to get a scholarship and win a state championship. Baldwin’s most recent state champions are softball (2018), girls basketball (2018) and boys track (2011).
“My goal for the sport is to win a state championship,” freshman Cole Mahaffey said. “My favorite part is being at practice as a team.”
Most of the freshmen athletes have been playing sports through junior high and high school. Some even play for other teams such as competitive clubs .
“I have been playing softball and volleyball ever since I could pick up the ball,” freshman Zoey LaTessa said. “My favorite part is just being able to have victories with your teammates and becoming a family not just team.”
The girls softball and basketball teams are hoping to win the title of state champions for the second year.
“I think these freshmen have a lot of potential to be a part of our boys sports turning around and experiencing success again,” coach and teacher Paul Musselman. “They seem to be a group of friends and that always helps the chances of a team being successful.”