2015-16 school information

Students and parents of BHS can look to start enrolling for the 2015-16 school year at the start of August. At the time there is no set date for which day enrollment will be but the office staff plans for sometime of the first week in August.
Freshmen First Day will be Aug. 18. On this day the freshmen will be the only students along with exchange students and new students to learn their way around BHS. They will spend the entire day with link leaders doing fun activities and getting to visit their classes. The rest of the student’s first day will be Aug. 19.
Enrollment will be available online or through the school on the set date. For enrollment parents can pay for the year, iPads, sports, bus fees, etc. The yearbook from the previous year will be available to be picked up, and should already be paid for.
Driver’s Ed for any BHS student will be this summer, with classes and driving days.
For more information contact head director Mike Curran, [email protected].