Stuco puts on second annual Mr. Bulldog

BHS stuco is hosting the 2nd annual Mr.Bulldog at the PAC on March 30 at 8 p.m

Mr. Bulldog is a pageant for guys at BHS which gives them the opportunity to show off their skills and compete against other guys and just have a good time.

“We got the idea from other schools in our league, we feel it gives a chance to give the men in our school a chance to showcase their talents and have a good time,” STUCO sponsor Danielle Balsman said.

Contestants have to go through three different rounds. The First round is fashion, second round talent and the final round consists of question and answers. Last year there were a total of four contestants that competed in Mr. Bulldog.

Senior Lake Stewart won the first ever Mr. Bulldog last year and won $50.

“I participated in it last year and I went out there to have fun and I ended up winning, I look forward to doing it again this year,” Stewart said.

Any guy from BHS is eligible to enter Mr. Bulldog, the cost to watch the pageant is $1.