A man and a woman who love each other is normal and every body is happy for them. When a man loves a man or a woman loves another woman people turn their backs to them because it is not “normal”.
But what exactly is normal? A gay couple feel that their love is natural and normal, as does a man and a woman couple. If they think the same about their partners, who are we to tell them they are not allowed to be legally married by law?
The gay community does not affect the heterosexual community. Like the segregation of black men and women in the 60s, it is just the thought that they are not like the other people in the vicinity. True we are still struggling with racial segregation, however after many years and a lot of speeches, they are proven to be just like any typical “white” person. Gays will eventually be accepted into the community among others.
Gay marriage has been legalized in 14 states and Washington D.C., as well as 16 countries around the world. Hopefully, one day all of the United States sees that gay marriage is just as normal and wanted as a wedding between a man and a woman. Gay men and gay women are still people who deserve rights to wed whoever they want.