Acting II, Forensics perform a children’s theatre production for Intermediate Center

The theatre class has decided to reach out to the elementary school by performing a series of children’s productions for the Intermediate Center

On May 15, the Acting II class and Forensic team will come together and perform a modern twist on fairy tales for BES Intermediate Center students. Traveling to the elementary school allows students to expand their acting skills.

“Such a venture allows students to hone their acting skills, work collaboratively, and create a show suitable for a specific audience,” BHS Forensics coach Katherine Cook said.

The students performing are Ethan Ford, Patricia Jarvis, Makayla Johnson, Ian Kirk, Kayti Lauridsen, Tina Mwangasu, Katie Vajnar, Daniel Vasker and Sammie Weiss.

Sammie Weiss is excited about the opportunity.

“I’m really excited about going to perform for the little kids,” Weiss said. “I think they will really enjoy the pieces we have prepared for them.”

BHS English/Drama teacher Catherine Lewis is taking advantage of this rare opportunity to combine Forensics and Acting II and create a piece of Children’s Theatre.

The group will be performing three different skits: The Frog Prince Continued, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and an altered version of Hansel & Gretel.