The new BHS club, FBLA, will be putting on the first ever FBLA March of Dimes Walk. The three-mile walk will be at 9:30 a.m. on April 27 and will be hosted at the BHS track.
Registration time will be from 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. The cost will be $10 pay before April 13 or a late fee of $5 will be added. Refreshments will be available, also there will be games for children.
The March of Dimes was established by President Roosevelt to fight polio. Their mission focus was shifted to premature birth and birth defects. Research breakthroughs have helped save thousands of babies. According to the march of dimes.
Walk in March for Babies, it gives hope to the more than half a million babies born too soon each year.
The money raised supports programs in communities that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. And it funds research to find answers to the problems that threaten babies.