Humans of BHS: Zayne Nowak
“To be honest I really don’t know why. One of the main reasons why I started is because it just fascinated me about history and how everything has changed, technologically, society-wise. Another aspect of it, especially in junior high when school started to get more difficult, history was just one of those topics I tended to like more. I was really involved in it so it was just overall an easy class for me. While other people tend to struggle in it, I tend to excel in it. Even at the age of 5 I was even fully engaged in the subject and I would get a bunch of old war books and look through them. I’m in no way saying war is good but I just love reading about World War 2, it is my favorite topic in history and is just really interesting. I think the reason for that is just the nostalgia and the focus around that time period. There are many video games revolving around World War 2 like Call Of Duty, Medal Of Honor, and Battlefield, just to name a few that I played when I was little. Having all this information on World War 2 just makes it a very easy topic to research.”