Each year the Baldwin High School cheerleaders host a clinic for young girls to learn some cheers and then the girls get to cheer on the Baldwin Bulldogs at a home football game. This event brings together high school students and elementary students and builds relationships and gives the younger generation something to look forward to. Below are some remarks from both cheerleaders and coaches that participate in the event.
“The little kids cheer clinic helps the younger kids begin to know about the importance of our community coming together to support one another. This clinic also helps these young athletes understand that being a cheerleader is about being a teammate and not just an individual. It brings both the youth and our teens together to be a part of the same team,” said assistant cheer coach Jilly Micheal.
“The purpose of the cheer clinic is to teach younger kids the basics of being an athlete and how to work together as part of a team. It also helps teach responsibility and promotes self confidence.” said Micheal.
“Our little cheer clinic helps younger kids learn different cheerleading skills as well as connecting the girls with peers and athletes within USD 348.” said Micheal.
“We taught them how to be great leaders and use their voice in the cheers. They learned lots of new motions in the Shake it Off dance taught by captains Malin Harris and Makayla Brown,” said freshman team member Jordan Webb.
This year there were around 80 young girls who participated in the clinic. The girls really loved the cheer that we call, “Blow you Away.” Along with different cheers we also got to teach the girls a short dance to the song Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. Working with the youth creates a positive bond and creates a stronger Bulldog Nation.