Three BHS senior cheerleaders moving up to next level

The past two years have been special for BHS cheerleading. The squad won 1st place and 3rd place trophies at the State competition. And they also have three squad members who have received college scholarships to pursue cheering at the next level. 

Senior Gracie Bryan has signed with MidAmerica Nazarene University. Bryan had some words of encouragement when asked what advice she has for underclassmen.

Work for it,” Bryan said. “Even if you are the best flyer, tumbler, base, etc on your high school cheer team, there is always room for improvement or advancement in your skills.”

She also expressed how much she loves the sport which is a big reason why she has had success.

“Ever since I was young I loved watching the cheerleaders at K-State games and high school games,” she said. “I was always making cheer routines, tumbling and doing the splits and random flexibility things.”

Charlize Barth is going to Washburn University in Topeka next year. Barth showed how much time and effort she devoted to the sport.

“I’ve devoted a lot of time,” she said. “I have gone to four different university’s cheer open gym trying to work up my skills and become more confident in my abilities.” 

Madylin Woolfolk is taking her talents to Baker University. She has also put tons of time and effort into this sport.

“I have spent way too many hours to count on cheerleading, but it has all been worth it,” she said. “Although most of the time would be spent in the MPR, at Baker Stadium, or in the BJHS gym, cheerleading was always on my mind.”

When asked about her proudest moment in high school she referred to when the team won state.

“I have had so many proud achievements throughout my time at BHS, but I think that my favorite achievement would have to be winning state my junior year,” Woolfolk said.

These girls all competed when they won the KSHSAA state championship and when they placed third at state. All of the girls put in a lot of work to get towards this goal and they all got there so now they are all competing at the collegiate level.