ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Dayton Valentine

Dayton Valentine is a former BHS alumnus and former K-State football player that has studied for three and a half years on Kinesiology. After graduating, he still wanted to play football but had to be enrolled in classes, so Valentine started working on his Pilot License. Valentine is now done with school and now works at the Johnson County Executive Airport in Olathe.
“I graduated from Baldwin in 2013. I really enjoyed my time at BHS and am proud to be and Alum,” Valentine said.
He learned many things at and really enjoyed being around the supportive staff and students.
“If I had to choose, one of my favorites at the school would be former BHS teacher Mike Berg,” Valentine said. “He had the biggest impact on my life by being more than just a teacher but also a coach, mentor, and friend.”
“For me the deciding factor to going to K-State was that they offered me a scholarship for football. It was my biggest offer but also one that made since as it felt like a good fit and close to home,” said Valentine.
“During my time in college I learned a number of things from both football and school,” Valentine said. “From football I learned how to work hard, be part of something bigger than yourself, to be a role model, how to be a leader and a follower to name a few. From just going to college I think some of the most important things I learned were life lessons such as being able to balance my time and a budget.”