Gun control is important in America
According to, this year there have been 307 mass shootings, In those shootings 328 people died and another 1,251 were injured.
Of the 325 million people that live in the United States, how long will it be until all of them have been affected by a shooting? If not them, then what about their family or their friends?
Legally, there is a requirement for a background check. The things that can stop someone from purchasing a gun would be a felon charge, people who were involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital, and people who have been found guilty of possessing or being under the influence of controlled substances. Even with those regulations, there is a loophole. Among 40% of gun sales are undocumented because they were bought at a private gun show. That is referred to as the “gun show loophole.”
The Second Amendment is is outdated, and should be reviewed. When the Second Amendment was written, the most common type of gun was a long rifle that had to be reloaded after every shot. Today, there are different types of firearm accessories and military-grade type of guns. Some of these accessories include silencers that muffle the noise the gun makes, Flash suppressors that make the bright flash lighter, and more. None of these are needed to defend yourself, and if your gun is able to shoot through walls you could potentially shoot someone else when trying to protect yourself.
Although guns can be helpful for self defense, there needs to be bigger restrictions. Certain types of guns should be illegal, because there is no reason that people need large capacity magazines for everyday life.