Students changing over time
Over the many years at Baldwin High School, many students have passed through and made an impact on how this school changes for the better or worse. Some students and teachers told me how they think the students have changed over the year.
“The students haven’t changed all that much, but the environment around them has changed, such as phones and iPads,” Donald Blanchat said.
“The students tend to talk a lot more over the years, but do less sports as the years go on.” senior Taylor Douglas said.
“The students tend to look younger and smaller,” Paul Musselman said.
“They become more involved with technology, such as sitting on their phones all day,” Kathleen Sigvaldson said.
“Their outfits and trends change, sometimes not for the better,” senior Hunter Ramirez said.
“Depending on the years, some students can be a real pain,” Bob Martin said.
“Throughout all the years, we have had some very smart and creative students,” David Stephens said.
“They seem to be more athletic and competitive, but can be a little too much at times,” Susie Martin said.
“Overall we haven’t had any serious problems, and they are all good kids,” Mr. Harman said.
“The students have been less involved and antisocial,” senior Cole Blake said.
“The students still don’t like doing homework,” Danielle Balsman said.