BHS musicians selected to perform at State

5 BHS students were selected to perform at state honor choir, band or orchestra. Last weekend students traveled to Wichita to perform in ensembles directed by nationally known directors. They are chosen through an audition process. First they audition for district, then state honor band, orchestra or choir.
“(It was) Stressful, exhausting, and makes you very nervous,” said junior Ellie Gerstner, who was selected to the honor band. “I practiced the piece we had to perform for 8 months.”
Senior Drew Villaca was selected for honor choir. The audition process for that was just as grueling. He was the only choir student selected from BHS.
“I had to learn three whole songs and practiced sight reading on an app I downloaded,” Villaca said.
After the audition process comes the waiting part. Students eagerly waited for the results to be posted on the KMEA website. They are hoping to see their name pop up on the list.
“I stayed up until 1 AM refreshing the website they were posting it on,” said senior Rachael Fritzsche, who was selected for flute. “As soon as I found out, I ran into my parents room to tell them.”
The Kansas Music Educators Association, or KMEA, puts this event on every year. According to their website, the musicians chosen are “the best of the best.” Students work hard to prepare for the audition. To be chosen at this level is an honor.
“I was just so happy, I couldn’t stop smiling,” Gerstner said.
The students had a performance Saturday in Wichita.

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