The nominations for the Winter Royalty were announced on Dec. 19. The candidates for King are Dayton Valentine, Austin Kraus and Colton Horne. The Queens are Katie Kehl, Olivia Beins and Abby Clem. The Princes Chad Berg, Micheal Burton and Quinn Twombly. The Princesses are Raeanna Duncan, Cassidy Markley and Madeline McCrary.
The students will vote for their favorite King and Queen and Princes and Princesses on Jan. 10-11. The winners will be announced at half time of the basketball game on Friday, Jan. 11.
The candidates have answered some questions about themselves to help the student body get to know them a little better.
Dayton Valentine
Future Plans: To go play football at Kansas State.
Who he admires: His mom
Favorite Sports Team: I’m a converted K-State Wildcat fan.
Involved in: Football, Track, Link, Letterman’s club
Austin Kraus
Future Plans: To either attend the University of Evansville or the Illinois Institute of Technology to get a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Then go on to get a Masters degree in another field of Engineering.
Who he admires: Asking me who I look up to is like asking a chemist to pick his favorite element. In history, I look up to some of the most powerful figures of American history, both of the Roosevelt Presidents. In their own different ways, they show what dedication, drive, and devotion can do for a person and for a nation. Today, I can’t make a choice. My friends, Scout Leaders, and other adult figures are prevalent in my life.
Favorite Sports Team: I wouldn’t be able to tell you a favorite sports team because I don’t follow any sports team, even soccer teams. I get very bored when I try to sit down and watch sports on tv. I can tell you the most recent sports team has been Germany’s national team when the Euro Cup was on.
Involved in: Soccer, Football, Real World Design, NHS, Scholars Bowl, Band, Harry Potter Club, Boy Scouts, Youth group at the First United Methodist Church, and the Musical
Colton Horne
Future Plans: I want to attend the naval academy or merchant marine academy, or ksu with my brothers
Who he admires: My big brothers, and Macgyver
Involved in: I am involved in cross country, wrestling, real world design team, letter mans club, 4-H and i am president of patriots club
Olivia Beins
Future Plans: I am planning on going to college and hopefully majoring on international business and Spanish.
Who she admires: I look up to my teachers and my cheer coaches because they have taught me so much over the years.
Favorite sport to watch/play: My favorite sport to do is cheer but I like to watch basketball especially college.
Involved in: Cheer, NHS, FBLA, Youth group, 4-H.
Abby Clem
Future Plans: Go to college to study environmental science
Who she admires: Abraham Lincoln because he is a great president. He took risks but wasn’t a cruel person to do it.
What is your favorite sport to watch/play: Soccer
Involved in: International club, Soccer, CC, RWDC, FCA, FCCLA, NHS, Band, Choir and Art Club
Chad Berg
Who he admires: My dad, if I become a dad I want to be just like him.
Favorite tv show: The League
Favorite Song: It Girl by Jason Derulo
Involved in: Football Basketball Baseball Track. NHS, Link, Lettermans Club, Stuco, Youth Group
Michael Burton
Who he admires: I look up to my parents, they are always looking to do the right thing when possible.
Favorite TV show: Sports Nation
Favorite Song: Heart of a lion by Kid Cudi
Involved in: Football, Basketball, Link, letterman’s Club
Quinn Twombly
Who he admires: His dad
Favorite TV show: The Walking Dead
Favorite Song: Thrift Shop
Involved in: Football, Basketball, Track
Raeanna Duncan
Who she admires: The Military men and women who serve this country.
Favorite Quote: Be a leader not a follower
Favorite Movie: She’s the Man or Finding Nemo
Involved in: Band, Concert Choir, Volleyball Manager, Girls Basketball Manager, Patriots Club
Cassidy Markley
Who She admires: Her youth group leader, Eva Durand and Her mom
Favorite Quotes: “If only the birds with the sweetest voices sang, the forest would be a very quiet place.” And “Your clothes should be tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to show you’re a lady”
Favorite Movie: Little mermaid
Madeline McCrary
Who She admires: Her sister
Favorite Quote: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Favorite Movie: Stick It
Involved In: STUCO, Letterman’s Club, Link, FBLA, Student Advisory, FCA, Volleyball, Softball, National Honors Society, Choir
Not available for interview: Katie Kehl