When kids get to their tween and teenage years, they start needing a lot more expensive things like a car or phone. Should the parents or the kids be paying for these items?
I personally think that it should be an equal mix of both parents and teenagers paying. For example, if a teenager wants a car, then maybe their parents could chip in half and the child could pay for the other half.
I think it’s unreasonable when some parents charge their kids for rent or groceries because I feel like those should be provided by the adults in the household. My reasoning behind this is, that most of the time, adults have jobs that have a yearly salary, and they make so much more money than a teenager could. They have also probably saved up for things throughout the years. Adults can also be more responsible with money than some teenagers can because they have a lot more experience dealing with money responsibly.
I think that parents should pay for basic necessities like food, housing, and hygiene products, and teens who have enough money could pay for other things that they want but don’t need.