BHS has a pretty relaxed dress code. Students aren’t allowed to wear clothing with vulgar language or anything inappropriate or offensive on them, but other than that, BHS is a pretty relaxed school. Other schools around the country, however, have very strict dress codes. Students have to wear certain skirt or shorts lengths, have a certain hair color, wear certain shoes, etc. That’s a little bit too much for students to handle. Dress codes that strict can limit student expression, and can make students feel restricted with what they wear.
Strict dress codes can limit student expression by not letting them wear what they want to wear. Some students might want to wear specific clothes to express their style and individuality. In some circumstances, students may even express opinions through their clothing, such as shirts that support a certain cause.
Dress codes can also be discriminating in some cases. According to Eesha Pendharker of educationweek.org, over 90% of schools have dress code rules against girls, such as tight pants or shorts that are too short. A girl from a North Carolina school got suspended for 10 days and wasn’t allowed to graduate because she wore an off the shoulder top. She was told she “distracted the boy’s ability to learn.” Both girls and boys should be allowed to wear whatever they want, and everybody, especially girls, shouldn’t have to worry they are being “too distracting” to the opposite gender.
Dress codes aren’t just discriminating against gender, however. They are also discriminating against the LGBTQ community and students of color. A report from Illinois teacher Alyssa Pavlakis said that many districts have rules against textured natural hair, something that generally affects Black students. In Texas, a transgender girl was expelled from school because she didn’t follow the school’s guidelines for the boys dress code.
Everyone should be allowed to wear whatever they want, regardless of gender, race, or sexual identity. Sure, schools need to have some guidance on what students wear, but they should be more considerate to every student. They shouldn’t be focused on girls distracting the boys, and more about students being able to be comfortable in whatever they wear.