New Homestead Bakery opens during summer
A new bakery opened in downtown Baldwin City. The Homestead Bakery was opened by Lori Gardner this summer.
“I love working here in Baldwin, I love the business aspect, I love the people, and I love the community,” Gardner said. “We make sandwiches to cookies.”
Sophomore Justin Kempenar has enjoyed working at The Homestead Bakery.
“I wanted to work there because I wanted to work in the food industry and make money for myself,” Kempenar said. “I like the chicken bacon wrap there.
The Homestead Bakery had been anticipated for weeks before it opened and a lot of people were talking about it. When you walk in the store there is a lot of decoration added to the bakery.
“I like the people I work with, they are pretty cool,” Kempenar said.
In the bakery there is a variety of food to choose from in the store. This selection goes from pizza to smoothies. The bakery has been booming with customers and new job employees this summer.
“We make our own flour using wheat, rye, millet, and spelt,” Gardner said. “I also own a grain mill to help with the wheat ingredients.”
There are all kinds of sweets there including ice cream, shakes, smoothies, etc.
“My favorite shake is the chocolate shake,” Gardner said. “Also, my favorite pastry here is the chocolate chip cookie.”
The Bakery are also adding more things to there store to improve their selection of items.
“We have some kind of ice cream including Cinnamon Brown, Vanilla, Chocolate, and Blood Orange Sherbet,” Gardner said. “Our top selling thing in the Bakery is the chocolate chip cookies.”

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